Eight Inspiring Mums On Prioritising Their Wellbeing

Hear their tried and tested advice on how best to keep on top of things…

Eight Inspiring Mums On Prioritising Their Wellbeing

Becoming a Mum is nothing short of a rollercoaster on so many levels. Alongside the many highs and enjoyment motherhood brings, it also has an impact on our overall wellbeing. From troubles with sleep and a dip in energy levels, to heightened stress and ever-changing moods, here we speak to eight inspiring Mums to hear their tried and tested advice for keeping on top of things…

“Wow my wellbeing needs haven’t just changed – they’ve been flipped 23 times, stamped on, thrown up into the air and then squished into a tiny percentage of life that’s barely visible with the human eye – particularly sleep. I’m now Cinderella in a different time zone. The bell chimes and at 8pm I have to spring to bed. The earlier you’re in bed, the more your energy tank fills and the better you do the next day. We all focus on baby’s bedtime routine and ours gets abandoned. Three things I do every night include scribbling down things I’ve loved that day and plan to do the next, reading a book (even if it’s just a few pages) and then spending some time to focus on my breathing. When the lights are off, I take my biggest, fullest breaths and slowly close my eyes on the exhale and open on the inhale. I struggled with postpartum insomnia and this technique really helped.” – Chessie King, Influencer, Author and Founder of Welcome To Babyhood

“Motherhood is a constant struggle, and you don’t ever balance it completely. Whilst it’s often exhausting, it can also be empowering. Through my girls I’ve learnt the value of absorbing the moment. As a Mum you inevitably sleep less and worry more, so I always try to incorporate exercise and mindfulness into my daily routine. It’s a moment I take for myself that ultimately benefits the entire family. Once the kids are in bed, lighting lots of candles always helps me to relax and switch off too.” – Alesha Dixon, Singer, TV personality, Author and Founder of health and wellness brand, Nobleblu

“I expected to feel more tired and have my patience tested but what I didn’t expect from motherhood was that some days I’d just need space and that this is okay. Making time for yourself is a beautiful way to show your child how important it is to prioritise yourself and it’s a good thing for them to witness. Here comes the tricky part… finding time. I have become an early riser and this hour before everyone wakes up has become my very own power hour where I can work out, meditate, journal, do a face mask, paint my nails or go for a walk. It’s utter bliss. If you’re not an early bird, I’d suggest sitting down with those who support you and creating a schedule for you to have your own time without any expectation. Trust me – you come back a much better person, Mum, partner or wife.” – Carly Rowena, Personal Trainer and Wellness Creator

“Since becoming a Mum, my wellbeing needs have changed drastically. I used to be able to perform well and look alive on four hours sleep as outside of work there was little else having a knock-on effect. Now I make a conscious effort to go to bed earlier, which means swapping my phone for a book when winding down. Lighting a candle also helps set the mood. One other thing that has been a gamechanger is tracking my cycle as it’s changed a lot since having my children. Noting the changes means I can stay prepared. I also use apps to keep me organised as I love a good list. The Microsoft app has a nice bell that chimes once you tick something off.” – Candice Brathwaite, Author, Journalist and TV Presenter

“It’s no secret that motherhood is a full-time job and for many, it comes on top of another full-time job which doesn’t leave much time for the little things. 'Me time' tends to take a backseat when there are little people around. However, it's important to know that alongside work, family and motherhood, taking care of yourself is an important job too. You can't pour from an empty cup and therefore it's essential to wrangle some time for the things that bring us joy and calm. When I go to the office, I get in early so that I can squeeze in a virtual Pilates class in the meeting room before everyone gets in. It's the best way for me to clear my head and do something for myself before the working day starts.” – Michelle Kennedy, Founder and CEO of parenting app Peanut

“My best advice for staying on top of things is to keep it simple. I usually work out at home and will often do a 20-minute yoga or Pilates class online in the mornings while Shay has breakfast. To help with my mood, I meditate. Just five minutes is enough to help me to feel calmer and more patient. I have also realised I need a little bit of alone time each day, so I try to get outside for a walk, or I’ll go to the bedroom and watch an episode of Girls or have a bath. I definitely appreciate sleep more and make sure I don’t watch TV before bed. Instead, I’ll read which always helps me to get a deep night’s sleep.” – Madeleine Shaw, Nutritional Therapist and Author

“With two children and two businesses, it’s easy for me to come last in the wellbeing stakes. I wasn’t always good at safeguarding my wellbeing, but I’ve realised the importance over the last few years. A few of my personal solutions include getting organised and sorting my diary for the week ahead. My PT sessions are ring-fenced because it helps my mood and keep me fit. Likewise, my 1-hour a week therapy session is unmissable. I’ll always shut my laptop at 8pm and have a relaxing bath before bed. Being realistic also helps as due to the nature of my work, there are often periods where my life can get unavoidably busy, so I book some time off immediately after to fully recover. I also block-book babysitters so I can have guaranteed date nights with my husband. It may sound crazy, but you have to be intentional about these things.” - Dija Ayodele, Skincare Expert and Founder at Westroom Aesthetics

“As a dietician, I have always tried to take care of my wellbeing but once little ones arrive, they become your main priority and it can be a challenge. I struggled with sleep deprivation with my first which negatively impacted my energy levels and mental health. I now try to get outside for a walk every day as it does wonders for releasing endorphins. I also see food as a great way to optimise energy and appreciate now that as a Mum not everything goes to plan. I keep my cupboard and fridge well-stocked with healthy snacks (such as nuts and fruit) and use smoothies as a great way of getting nutrients quickly and easily. I prioritise high fibre carbs (like wholemeal bread and wholegrains) as they provide slow-release energy throughout the day and are also ideal if you too are struggling with sleep.” – Nichola Ludlam-Raine, Specialist Dietitian