8 Essential Oils To Up Your Energy Game

​Want to up your energy game? We’ve Got You!

8 Essential Oils To Up Your Energy Game

​Want to up your energy game? We’ve Got You!

Here at NEOM, we believe energy is the single most powerful tool to achieve anything in life.

We all need energy – not just to get us up and out of bed, but to keep us positive and motivated too. It sets us up for the day and makes us look and feel like the best version of ourselves.

But the pursuit of energy can be complex.

Feeling energised isn’t as simple as a good night’s sleep or a healthy diet – it’s also a state of mind, and what really fuels us up here at NEOM are those small steps, taken every day, which can make a big difference to natural energy levels.
We're not just talking moving our body here, energy is something that requires your mind and body to work together to help support you and your life, however hectic it may be!

And where better to look for an energy boost than nature – more specifically, essential oils!

Using essential oils to fight fatigue and get you energised is about harnessing the power of natural, clean ingredients – learn more about our clean ingredients mission here.

The BEST essential oils for boosting energy are below – plus brilliant tips for how you can use them to help you feel energised. These essential oils all contribute to our expertly blended Scent to Boost Your Energy range, specifically designed to leverage natural oils to help improve energy.

the essential oils for energy, productivity & focus - that we love

8 Best Essential Oils for Energy, Focus & Productivity


This zesty wonder is a true natural hero.

Oh hey lemon. Anyone else tried a slice in hot water on a morning for that early pick me up? Yep? There's a good reason. Popular lemon essential oil is used for a variety of purposes but because it's so refreshing and probably the one most earned it's striped for being ZINGY it has cemented itself as THE essential oil as a must for any energising wellbeing wish-list.

Its fruity notes are hailed as uplifting and energising, perfect for giving you that energy boost when you need it most.


Sweet, sweet basil. The aromatic B crisp yet sweet and freshly floral scent is really like no other.

Perfectly picked plants are steam distilled, preserving the fragrance to give us the purest and most fragrant oil. Basil is a rich source of vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. It has so many benefits so it makes perfect sense to use for natural energy and the perfect addition to an energy boosting routine.


Grapefruit essential oil is cold-expressed from the rind of the grapefruit. It's sweet orange-like, yet slightly bitter citrus notes offer a rich scent, which is naturally refreshing and invigorating.

Grapefruit itself is hailed as being a superfood with lots of apparent benefits – it even gained enough popularity to get a whole diet inspired by it!

The Grapefruit essential oil has a bright and uplifting fragrance which helps to recharge the body, providing a very welcome energy boost.


Another citrus wonder, lime is an essential oil that packs a punch.

Similar to lemon and grapefruit, lime essential oil has a bright citrus aroma creating a fresh summery fragrance even in the deepest, darkest winter months.

This almost tropical aroma helps uplift mood, particularly during those afternoon slump moments and can help to re-engage in both productivity and creativity.

It’s antibacterial properties also make it a great addition for any skincare routine.


A zesty yet soothing aroma, bergamot is another citrus gem.

Similar to lemon, grapefruit and lime, bergamot essential oil is also a derivative of the citrus family. It is extracted from the peel of the bergamot orange which is something of a cross between a lemon, lime and an orange – yellowish in colour and slightly pear-shaped. This is actually an ingredient in Earl Grey teas, contributing to its distinct taste and aroma – so any Earl Grey fans out there are sure to fall in love with this natural powerhouse.

It has a very light citrus fragrance and is commonly used in aromatherapy for a variety of purposes, including stress and improving general mood, thus helping combat depleted energy levels.


Rosemary has been widely used in aromatherapy, with cineole, one of its most significant ingredients, being seen as a powerful aid to boosting energy by increasing the flow of blood to the cerebrum.

Rosemary essential oil is thought to promote concentration and attention to task – a.k.a. It's an absolute hero for those busy workdays or late-night assignments.

It is also used as a source of pain relief and may even relieve breathing problems.

This makes rosemary the perfect partner to help promote productivity and focus when we need it most, whether that’s in the office or out and about.


What can be more invigorating than the scent of pure nature – wild forests, rugged terrain, pine is the true epitome of natural!

With its invigorating scent reminiscent of forest walks and Christmas trees, pine essential oil is hailed as an oil to boost metabolism, enhance mood, reduce stress and improve vitality.

With its healing properties, pine essential oil is a great ingredient when it comes to natural skin products. It has a rich history of use in both Europe and North America and is sure to give you an uplifting boost of energy.


Like rosemary, eucalyptus has long been widely used in aromatherapy, particularly for soothing massage experiences. Eucalyptus essential oil has a bold and powerful fragrance and is a very popular ingredient in cough and cold remedies because of its respiratory properties.

It is thought to help reduce tension and anxiety – those notorious drains on our energy levels – as well as helping to stimulate both mind and body.

natural ways to boost your energy

Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy

Pure natural energy, there's nothing better. We need energy for everything we do. Even our normal daily routine can leave us feeling drained, tired and in need of an energy boost.

If you feel that you’re lacking energy, you’re not alone. In fact, a landmark study of almost 20,000 people, by The Energy Project and HBR.org, found that 59% of workers are physically depleted, emotionally drained, mentally distracted and lacking in meaning and purpose. This undoubtedly has an impact on productivity, focus and overall wellbeing.

Our products here at NEOM are most effective when combined with a purposeful routine. Whether your preference is to take a revitalising power shower, breathing in pure essential oils from an air diffuser, or using skin care products with uplifting oils like wild mint and mandarin. We want to help you get your fix in a way that works for you.

Get our ultimate Energy Guide full of great tips, hints and insights to help inspire energy-boosting daily rituals. From yoga poses to mindfulness tips, we’ve brought in top wellbeing experts to lend a helping hand in creating this for you.

If your energy bank is empty, try some of the below to get started:


Sleep affects our energy - no brainer. If we have a bad night's sleep, we feel it the next day.

Try having regular bedtime hours, switching off your phone (or leaving it in another room!) when you go to bed, and unplugging from tech and screens well before going to bed, are all worth trying. Breathe right. Sounds simple (because it is) be don't underestimate the power of simple breathing exercises and evening stretches/yoga for improving your sleep and help you wake up feeling refreshed, re-energised and ready to nail the day. Hurrah.

This is why our Scent to Sleep range is the perfect partner for our Energy range. Getting your get-up-and-go each morning always starts with a good night’s sleep.
Create a sleep ritual that works for you and and get good zzz's will recharge your body and mind.

Nourish Your Body

We quite literally get energy from the food we eat, so make sure you fuel yourself with good food that packs an energy punch!

Top tip if life gets hectic (when isn't it?) try to not leave lunch too late in the day, we are more likely to reach for the not-too-good-stuff when we're running on empty. That sugar rush will undoubtedly get you seeking a quiet corner in the office for a 3pm nap.

The Energy Plate Equation... it’s as simple as... Every Meal
1 one of complex carb
2 one portion of protein
3 brightly coloured seasonal veggies. Opt for balanced lunches - protein light, full of nutrients and natural ingredients.

nourish your body

Move Your Body

Even if it’s only standing up to read emails at work, moving that bit more in your day will do wonders. Doing stretches at your desk, taking a call stood up, taking the stairs there are plenty of ways to keep moving during your day to keep your body staying refreshed and focused.

Movement releases both tension and those positive endorphins too, so take every opportunity to exercise, stretch and lunge! For bonus points, a lunchtime workout is a fantastic way to break up the day and get your body moving.

Get Energised with NEOM

Need an energy boost? Say hello to our Scent to Boost Your Energy range – your perfect partner for feeling energised throughout the day.

Expertly blended 100% natural Scent to Boost your Energy fragrances. Feel Refreshed with 24 zingy essential oils including Sicilian lemon & basil and Energy Burst with 17 oils like grapefruit, lemon & rosemary.

From candles to oils, this range is dedicated to energy and harnessing the power of natural ingredients and essential oils in a range of home and beauty products.



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