5 ways to de-stress after work

Let's talk about the 'S' word, STRESS.

5 ways to de-stress after work

Let’s talk about the ‘S’ word, STRESS.

Don't know about you but there's just no getting away from STRESS. As much as we wish it weren’t so, stress is a very real issue in the hustle and bustle of this thing called modern life.

In 2015 we asked 2000 people about their stress and a whopping 9/10 of you told us you regularly feel it. And in a newer study with the same number of people in 2019 85% of people said they feel constantly stressed.

We're realists here. We can't eliminate stress from our lives (would we want to? Some stress can spur us on) but what's NOT cool is living in a constant state of fight or flight. So we're all about the little things we can all do to tell stress to do one, when it's NOT helpful. With some purposeful daily rituals and routines, you’ll be well on your way to creating calmer days regardless of how stressful work has been.

We’ve zoned in on the things you can be doing after-work and in between your busy schedules to be the most helpful. (Glass of vino optional).

Best Ways to De-Stress & Relax After Work

Tune In

Whilst we are all wired differently, generally our bodies are pretty damn good at saying 'hey come on now' with signs of stress. IE Don’t ignore that headache, or those feelings of anxiousness, pessimism and the over-THINKING (oh yes and why does that always happen when you want to get your zzz's?). But instead, recognise them and tune in to them.

Try writing out your worries and the what-if's, so they are not racing through your mind as you finally stop for the day, and when you do hit the hay. By tuning in to the signals we can be better prepared to nip them in the bud in our after-work routine, so that the next day is a fresh start.

Power Down

Yep it can be good to power up when you've had ONE-OF-THOSE-DAYS (and we like that kick boxing class as much as the next person), but sometimes it may not be the best de-stressor for everyone post-work. Research shows that when you’re already depleted, going slow and steady may be better suited to relieving symptoms of stress.

Why not de-stress after work with a little scoot around the park (no we mean a little walk not on your kids scooter), a swim, or yoga to help release your inner zen. In fact, studies have linked Yoga Nidra (guided meditation) to building up our coping ability and helping to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling inspired, try Movement for Modern Life for some wonderful Nidra classes online.

Power Down

Be Nourished

So it's nothing new but we're going to say it. What you eat has an impact on your wellbeing and yes stress too.

Nutritionist Samantha Paget explains how our stress hormones and blood sugar regulating hormones are linked – so by keeping our blood sugar balanced we can help balance our stress levels too. In fact, we now know that 95% of our serotonin – the ‘happy-hormone’- is produced in the gut, so it really pays to invest in your gut health.

To make life easier try simple swaps. Swapping your daily espresso for one with organic milk (added protein) or a tuna supper for mackerel, sardine or salmon, each filled with essential fatty acids that help to reduce the inflammation triggered by our stress hormones.

For more inspiration on the right foods to soothe the mind and de-stress the body check out chapter 3 of our De-Stress e-book.

Wise Up

Did you know, the digital age may have its advantages in helping us thrive from modern day stresses? There are a number of apps designed specifically to relieve symptoms of stress and what’s more, the fact you can download them straight to your phone make them super handy when time is of the essence after a busy day at work. Try the CALM app as you drift off to sleep. It’s a firm favourite with Team NEOM for its lovely sleep stories and relaxing sounds and scenes from nature.

If meditation is your thing, there may be no need to even leave the house for a class. Instead, get the HEADSPACE or GLOW app straight to your phone for top tips and even full programmes.

So, let’s learn to wise-up to technology and fully ‘tech’ advantage (sorry, we couldn’t resist that one!) in our after-work de-stress routine.

Wise Up

Well Connected

There’s tonnes of reading and science-based literature out there that is determined to help us cope with the stress’ of day-to-day life. Stay connected when it comes to new discoveries on mood boosting, stress-busting ideas and get stuck into a good stress-relief book after work. One of our favourite finds is the research that has been done on the science of SMILING. Believe it or not, even forcing a smile when you’re not feeling brilliant can fool the brain into thinking you are happy about something.

So, go on, force yourself to smile - at your family, friends, colleagues or the strangers you see on your commute - that way you can benefit from both the neural feedback and the social feedback of someone smiling back at you.

When it comes to our sense of wellbeing and our stress levels, at NEOM we believe it’s all about the small steps that can make the big difference. Whilst it can seem increasingly difficult in amongst our hectic lives to find time to de-stress, remember there are lots of small, practical things you can do that don’t have to take up as much time as you think. If the long-lasting impact is a happier, healthier you, then it’s certainly worth it don’t you think?

Stress-Less With NEOM

Okay, so we admit it, we might be a bit biased with this one, but with 95% of participants on our NEOM De-Stress programme saying they felt calmer and less stressed we have good reason to believe in what we do!

Here at NEOM, taking time to create calm is something we are super passionate about. When it comes to de-stressing after-work, our Scent to De-Stress range sets you on the right track. It has been specifically formulated with a complex blend of 24 of the purest possible essential oils that not only smell wonderful but also have a deeply calming effect. Kick back one evening with our award-winning Real Luxury 3 Wick Scented Candle. Leave it on for 20 minutes so that the oils fill the room with a calming scent helping to relieve tension and promote a tranquil state of mind.

If you’re curious for more stress-less tips that fit in to your after-work time frame, check out our ultimate 4 step programme to de-stress on page 40 of our e-book to help you get calm, the NEOM way!

We hope you’ve found lots of handy tips to try out after-work and we’d love to hear about the things you’ve tried and benefited from. Pop us a message and help us to help more people DE-STRESS.