How Nutritionist & Healf's Editor Eleanor Hoath Finds Her Feel Good

From a slow and steady morning routine to prioritising sleep, fresh air and dry body brushing, here's how this nutritional therapist fills up her cup...

How Nutritionist & Healf's Editor Eleanor Hoath Finds Her Feel Good

Here at NEOM, we’re all about embracing those small everyday steps that make a BIG difference to your overall wellbeing. ‘Finding Your Feel Good’ is a series where we chat to some of our favourites names about the little moments in their day that bring them the most joy. Below, we talk to Eleanor Hoath, nutritional therapist and editor at Healf...

My Morning Routine Is Slow & Steady

“I wake up with my Lumie Alarm Clock and immediately open the blinds to let natural daylight in. I coined the term ‘green time before screen time’ during the 2020 lockdown and that’s stayed incredibly important to me as it allows me to start my day off feeling good. I usually wake up pretty early (even on the weekends) so I like to take the time to write in my journal or read a book in bed while sipping on some warm water.

On a day where time allows, I’ll get outside for 20-40 minutes of fresh air and go for a walk or I’ll head to a workout class. I tend to opt for slower forms of movement like reformer Pilates, yoga and barre BUT I have recently been enjoying getting sweaty in a BOOM Cycle Class – the music just gets me going and makes me feel energised.

When I get home I’ll dry body brush using my HigherDOSE Copper Body Brush and have a shower using the NEOM Super Shower Power Body Cleanser. I splash my face with cold water but I don’t use a cleanser in the morning as I find it’s a lot better for my skin. I like to have a high protein breakfast before heading out the door.”

When Work Is Stressful I Try To Set Boundaries With My Time

“I’m a Registered Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist and writer and I love that my work allows me to be both creative and educational. I can either be working with individual clients interpreting blood test results and understanding their gut bacteria to help them achieve a symptom-free life, or debunking health myths and educating people about the power of health through written, video and image content.

I’m a yes person and I hate saying no to opportunities. However, I also have to remember to practise what I preach and there have been multiple times where I’ll be emailing a client to remind them about their bedtime routine while I’m also sat at my laptop. Sometimes it’s totally unavoidable and I’d be lying if I said that I don’t get overwhelmed because I do but I think we’re all learning. I try to work with myself, knowing what works best for me. For example, I know that I’d much rather wake up and do a few hours of work on a Saturday morning than force myself to stay awake into the early hours during the week!”

Creating Ambience Helps Me To Relax

“When I come home, I like to immediately wash the day away with a shower and put something really nice and comfy on. Low and dim lighting at home always tells me it’s time to wind down and I love creating a calming ambience with candles. NEOM’s Real Luxury and Perfect Night's Sleep Candles are favourites in my house.

While I’m definitely a shower person, I do like to have a bath a couple of times a week where I’ll do lots of magnesium salts and Epsom salts to help relax and detox my body before bed. I’ve recently become OBSESSED with the NEOM Real Luxury Body Scrub and I’ll add a generous drizzle of bath oil too. When I’m in the bath I like to read a fiction book to switch off my mind from the day.”

A Good Night’s Sleep Is EVERYTHING

“I try to put screens away an hour before bed, wear my red lens glasses (that are believed to block out blue light) and spritz my pillow with my NEOM Perfect Night’s Sleep Pillow Mist – it comes everywhere with me! I like my room to be pitch black when I sleep, and I also need total silence, which has been a challenge since living in London, so I’ll sometimes play background white noise. I also take Magnesium Glycinate every night with my dinner which really helps to calm my nervous system and support a deep, restful sleep. As women, we all burn through magnesium so I think it’s the one supplement that almost every one of my clients requires.”

A Great Day Is… When My Cup Feels Full

“The best days are filled with plenty of sunlight, movement and laughter. Nothing feels better than a client telling me how much better they feel after we have started working together. I’ve realised prioritising yourself isn’t selfish. You need to fill your own cup before you’re able to fill anyone else’s!”

Inside My Wellbeing Toolkit

  1. Lumie Alarm Clock
  2. HigherDOSE Copper Body Brush
  3. NEOM Real Luxury Candle
  4. NEOM Real Luxury Body Scrub
  5. Wild Nutrition Magnesium